

14th May 2007

The Association shall be known as
Bonsall Riders

The area represented by the association is:

East: A6 as a boundary line (Cromford)
West: Tissington Trail
South: Carsington
North: Birchover
Including any villages or towns that fall within the boundary with its priority being Bonsall.
Total area covered is approximately 156 km
Source Ordnance Survey Outdoor Leisure Map 24
17 – 30 West : 51 – 62 North

The objects of the association shall be:

  • To apply to the British Horse Society to become ‘affiliated bridleway group’.
  • To help ensure the protection maintenance and improvement of bridleways and to build co-operative relationships with Local Authorities, land owners/farmers and other appropriate bridleway users, with the aim of promoting a safer environment for horse riders and drivers in the groups agreed area.
  • To promote not-for-profit social activity to unite the local horse community.


Membership shall be open to local horse and pony riders, drivers and none riders/drivers who live in or nearby the agreed area covered who shall actively work in the best interests of the association and in accordance to its Equal Opportunities Policy.

Each member shall have one vote.


A proper record of all income and expenditure will be kept at all times.

The funds shall be used only to further the aims of the association and shall be paid into an account operated by the committee – Royal Bank of Scotland, 8 Snitterton Road, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3LZ.

All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by at least two members of the committee/agreed signatories.

The Treasurer shall have the accounts checked by an independent bookkeeper in line with Charities Commission Good Practice.


The association shall be managed by a committee selected at each Annual General Meeting and shall consist of: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Chair and group members.

A quorum for meetings shall constitute two officers and three members.

The committee may temporarily fill any vacancy arising among the officers of the association from its other members until the next AGM.

A proper record of all meetings will be kept in addition to records of expenditure and income and shall be available to all members.

The committee shall meet not less than four times a year.

Minutes of committee meetings shall be available to all members.


There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the association held every April at which the committee shall report on its work and present a statement of accounts.

After a period of one year officers must be re-elected or replace.

Any amendments to the constitution to be agreed.

Not less than 28 days notice of the AGM shall be given to all members.

Any proposals submitted to the Secretary in writing not less than 7 days in advance of the meeting shall be discussed.


The Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting at the request of a majority of the committee or upon receipt of a written petition by no less than one third of the association giving reasons for their request.

Not less than 14 days notice of a special General Meeting shall be given, which shall then take place within 21 days of the receipt of the request or petition.

There will be a General Meeting open to all members every four months any additional meetings can be agreed by those present at general meetings.


The committee may appoint such sub-committees as may be required to carry out the activities of the association which shall be directly accountable to the committee.

The committee shall agree in advance the terms of reference of any sub-committee, which may then act only within those terms.

All sub-committees shall keep proper records of all meetings, in addition to records of expenditure and income and may be dissolved by the committee.

The accounts records of expenditure and income shall then pass to the committee.


The Chair (or in his/her absence the Vice-Chair) shall conduct the meeting of the association.

The Treasurer shall open and properly maintain all accounts.

The Secretary shall be responsible for the convening of all meetings and giving the necessary notice to members. The Secretary shall ensure that a proper record is kept of all meetings of the association, its committee and sub-committees in the form of minutes: and shall deliver such records as required by the committee or General Meeting. The Secretary shall maintain a register of members of the association.


Any proposed alterations to the Constitution shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 14 days before the next AGM.

The approval of two-thirds of those present at the AGM will be required to effect any proposed change.


If the committee, by a simple majority, decide at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the association, it shall call a meeting of all members giving them at least 21 days notice, stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed at the meeting. The Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by or in the name of the association. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be applied towards charitable purposes.


Any member may make a proposal. In order for it to be voted on by other members it must be seconded, or supported by someone else. Only members present at the meeting may vote.
This Constitution was adopted as the Constitution of BONSALL RIDERS At an Open Meeting held at Bonsall Village Hall, The Dale, Bonsall, Matlock, Derbyshire On 14th May 2007 at 7.00 pm Chair …..…………………………………… Secretary …………………………………… Date ………………………………………..